July 06, 2006

Suggestions for Summer Reading

Note I didn't say light summer reading... ;)

Augmenting my usual fare of fictional murder and mayhem is some nonfiction murder and mayhem:

Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War On Terror
Michael Scheuer Amazon.com link

The West and The Rest: Globalization and the Terrorist Threat
Roger Scruton Amazon.com link

Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge
Alan M. Dershowitz Amazon.com link

The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes A Terrorist and Why
Rex Hudson Download PDF free from Library of Congress

Through Their Eyes: Foreign Correspondents in the United States
Stephen Hess Amazon.com link

Critical understanding on the part of the West is lacking: most people still believe it just takes logic or reason to "make them stop hating us." You can as soon convince a chair it is in its best interest to become a giraffe, or change the daytime sky to chartreuse.

If you'd like to balance the above with some actual light reading, I recommend Jimmy Buffett's wild rides, and Jo Bannister's three series of mysteries.

In closing, a message to Cindy Sheehan: I myself am not a fan of George Bush, but if you really think life would be better living in Venezuela under Chavez, well, don't let the door hit you on the way out...and, what are you waiting for?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't remember the exact words or who said it, however, I remember hearing that a country's policies can be known by the way people are trying to get into said country

12:51 PM  

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