"Legitimate government", my ass
Enough already with the phrase “legitimate government” applied to Lebanon’s farce.
Any government whose ranks include avowed terrorists whose stated goal is to annihilate the people in the country next door is anything but legitimate.
Any government whose army is not permitted entry into the terrorist group’s enclave in the southern part of the capital city is anything but a legitimate government.
Kofi Annan is calling for a cease fire, for the halt to the killing of innocents. Where the hell was his concern for innocents through all the years the Arab terrorists have been blowing up Israeli citizens?
The president of Lebanon is already whining about the destruction to buildings, roads, the airport and infrastructure, and wants to know who is going to pay for the clean up and reconstruction. Well, Mr. President, it ain’t going to be Israel, whom you so clearly imply is responsible. Your government and army permitted itself to be taken over by terrorists, funded and aided by Syria and Iran. Look to them for restitution, not Israel, not the West. You lay down with terrorists, you pay the price in concrete and blood.
Enough, newscasters, with questions about why the interior ministry’s building would be bombed, and why Israel would bomb mosques and schools. Arab terrorists in all countries have used schools, mosques and hospitals to hide themselves and their weapons. If truly innocent civilians are killed when these targets are bombed, it is not the fault of the bombers, but of the civilians and governments who permitted these sites to be used as arms stores, command centers, and bunkers.
One news report today mentioned how fleeing Lebanese are flying white cloths from their cars so that everyone will know they aren’t Hezbollah. Like, the terrorists are too moral to not fly the white flags on their own cars??? Puhleeze.
I am getting sick of the news programs playing all these interviews with Lebanese-Americans who survived the bombing and managed to flee Lebanon. If they’re stupid enough to vacation and visit family who live in terrorists strongholds, whose family members may be allied with the terrorists, they do not deserve to be assisted out at US taxpayer expense. And where are the interviews with the Israelis who are once again living in bomb shelters?
And, speaking of bomb shelters, enough with the one-sided stories coming out of Nazareth. Every village and town and city in Israel has public bomb shelters. Every school, public building, hospital, and apartment building has bomb shelters or hardened rooms. Every house built in the last 25 years is required to have a basement bomb shelter. If the Nazarene Arab Moslems refused to use them or used them for other purposes, or bypassed building codes and didn’t construct them, why is that Israel’s fault? Oh, that’s right! Everything is Israel’s--the Jews’--fault! Silly me, I forgot!
Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for a cease fire. Once all the Hezbollah and their sympathizers are dead, their weapons destroyed, the governments of Syria and Iran replaced with people who aren’t psychopaths and their sycophants, and a buffer zone of 1000 miles from Israel, whose land area shall include the West Bank, Gaza, and Sinai is established, well, then we can reasonably talk cease fire. Otherwise, since there is no way to negotiate anything with terrorists, there can be no cease fire.
Amen, Sister. Also, thanks for the iguana info. I bought one last night, came home, found your site, broke into a cold sweat, took him back today. Couldn't be happier. Cute little guy.
Shalom, John
Vigo, Spain
I've been wondering what your thoughts on this whole mess would be so I took a chance that I'd find them here. For a second time we are in total agreement over a worldly and political issue.
I thought I leaned too far right while you leaned too far left, but wow ...there is a middle somewhere it seems.
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